Cristina Inés Centenaro

Cristina  Inés Centenaro was born in Argentine (Rosario) on December 13th, 1963. In 1989 she graduates and takes a diploma of Arts at the National University of Rosario.
Since 1984 takes part at the numerous collectives exhibitions, the painting competitions and personal exhibition (1).
In 1986-90-91 she has been member of the Cultural Cabinet of Museum  of Arts “J. B. Castagnino” of Rosario, one of most important of this country. (2)
In 1991-92-93 she leaves in Paris for researches, exhibitions and teaches.(3)
In 1994 she decides to return in Argentine where she continues her art production ohne exhibitions. All her time is for researches, teaches and “paintings/drawings”. She had discovered that “The place is oneself”.
Since 2003 she’s member of social organization UBASO (Unit of Social Bases) / Cultural Departement
In 2004 she teachs in “Taller de Educación por el Arte” of  Beatriz Vettori.
After several years of researches Cristina Centenaro think –and lives as artist, woman and wife- that her art is investigation, works, teaches/transmission and paintings/drawings…then …the inspiration appears and a “unknown” to be show…”here, in the nature, in the personal figurative expression”.
Allways she searches to discovery, through the experience, the false antinomys in art between, for example:
Abstraction / Figuration
Modern       / Academic
Painting     / Drawing
Occident   /  Orient
And discovery the hidden differences between:
Copy and Representation
Insulate and Loneliness
Cathartic illness and personal expression will be 
Her groundworks are brought  to light the art synthesis and the human art intuition.
She said:
“Art is life.  Style is a limit and vital  synthesis  will be the universal style.”
She continues a tradition of  Sumi-e, Corot,  Rembrant, Matisse, etc.  (in minds and arts).
Actually she teaches Clinic for the artists and lastly she decided to expose her works and mind in Internet.
Cristina Centenaro leaves and works in Rosario.
She accepts commissioned works too.

- 2022 / Obras en SITIO OFICIAL ARCHES (Francia)

- 2022 / 2ª Feria de Arte / Arte y Difusión Club – Tigre (Buenos Aires )

- 2022 / “Carapantallas” / Arte y Difusión Club - Tigre (Buenos Aires)

- 2022 / Obra “El Arca” (Serie Fata Morgana)

Seleccionada por Asociación Acuarelistas Argentinos para

“ XVI Bienal Internacional de Acuarela” , México /diciembre 2022

- 2022 / “ Salón Homenaje Raquel Forner “ SAAP / U.B.A Salón Pasos Perdidos

- 2022 / “ Vino con Arte” / Arte y Difusión Club / U.B.A Salón Pasos Perdidos

- 2022 / “Retratos en el Constantino” Centro Cultural F. Constantino / Bragado

- 2022 / “ Salón de Otoño SAAP” / Vicente Lopez

- 2022 / “ VIII Salón Invierno SAAP”

- 2022 / 2º PREMIO “SALON PRIMAVERA SAAP” / Ciudad de Buenos Aires


UBA, Salón Pasos Perdidos

- 2022 / “ 5ª Concurso Nacional de Acuarela ” A.A.A / Casa de las Culturas- Tigre-